Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Our Team

Rainald Löhner

PhD, Director of Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Professor


Dr. Löhner received a MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany, as well as a PhD and DSc in Civil Engineering from the University College of Swansea, Wales.

His areas of interest include numerical methods, solvers, grid generation, parallel computing, visualization, pre-processing, fluid-structure interaction, shape and process optimization and computational crowd dynamics.

His codes and methods have been applied in many fields, including aerodynamics of airplanes, cars and trains, hydrodynamics of ships, submarines and UAVs, shock-structure interaction, dispersion analysis in urban areas, hemodynamics of vascular diseases and pedestrian safety assessments.

He is the author of more than 800 articles covering the fields enumerated above, as well as a textbook on Applied CFD Techniques.

Dr. Löhner serves on the editorial board of six international journals, has given numerous invited lectures at international conferences, universities and research institutes, and received many awards.

Chi Yang

PhD, Professor


Dr. Yang received her PhD in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Her main research interests are in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with focus on the development of computational methods and tools for marine hydrodynamics applications.

She has over 200 scientific publications on a wide spectrum of topics, with emphasis on efficient field solvers based on unstructured grids and finite element method for compressible and incompressible flows; field solvers based on boundary element method for free surface flows; fluid-structure interactions; simulation-based design optimization of ship hull forms.

She is currently serving on the editorial board of two international journals.

Dr. Yang has given numerous invited lectures at international conferences, universities and research institutes, and received many awards.

She is regarded as a worldwide leading researcher and educator in the field of computational marine hydrodynamics.

Juan Raul Cebral

PhD, Professor


Dr. Cebral holds a MSc in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as a PhD in Computational Sciences from George Mason University.

He is a professor of bioengineering, and his research focuses on examining the blood flow in brain aneurysms to improve understanding of the causes, enhance aneurysm risk assessment, and evaluate devices and minimally invasive procedures.

He is the author of more than 300 articles covering the fields enumerated above, and serves on the editorial board of three international journals.

He has given numerous invited lectures at international conferences, universities and research institutes, and received many awards.

Dr. Cebral’s personal Homepage with his Research

Fernando E. A. Camelli

PhD, Associate Professor


Dr. Camelli holds a Ph.D. from the Institute for Computational Sciences and Informatics at George Mason University.

His areas of interest include:

  • transport and dispersion of pollutants in urban settings
  • turbulence modeling, in particular large eddy simulations and very large eddy simulations
  • modeling of time dependent inflow boundary conditions for large eddy simulations
  • study of flow patterns on ship decks for landing of helicopters and unmanned vehicles
  • CAD and computational geometry, in particular the development of algorithms to automate the geometry extraction of buildings and complex terrain
  • high performance computing and parallel algorithms
  • and subway climatology

Dr. Camelli has worked on a number of high visibility projects, including the flow and temperature around a San Antonio Class LPD17 and the new generation of transport T-AKE 1.

This included the development of datasets used for flight simulators of helicopters for the LPD17.

He has over 35 publications in peer review journals and more than 40 conference presentations.

Dr. Camelli’s personal Homepage with his Research

Fernando Mut

PhD, Research Professor


Dr. Mut holds a MSc in Physics from the Balseiro Institute in Bariloche, Argentina, as well as a PhD in Computational Sciences and Informatics from George Mason University.

He is a research professor of bioengineering.

His research focuses on the development of computational modeling tools for the study of blood flows in cerebral arteries and aneurysms.

Lingquan Li

PhD, Research Associate


Dr. Li holds a PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics from North Carolina State University.

Her areas of interest include development and application of multi-fluid and multiphase solvers, high performance computing, and evaluation of infrastructure damage due to underwater explosions.

Thomas Brown

PhD, Research Associate


Dr. Brown obtained his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Delaware in 2018.

He is a numerical analyst interested in Galerkin methods for models in continuum mechanics, optimization and optimal control problems, and scientific computing.

His research focuses on analysis and implementation of novel numerical methods for different problems of interest.

The analysis includes well-posedness, stability, and approximation properties of the methods.

Recently he has also been investigating the use of machine learning techniques to solve systems of ODEs and PDEs.

He is a co-author of the textbook: Variational Techniques for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Theoretical Tools and Advanced Applications.