Publication Categories
- F. Togashi, O.A. Soto, R. Löhner, M. Beppu and S. Obayashi – Numerical Simulation of an Object Washout by Floodwater; Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Violent Flows (VF-2016) , Osaka, Japan, March 9-11 (2016).
- F. Togashi, R. Löhner, O. A. Soto, M. Beppu and S. Obayashi – Numerical Simulation of an Object Washout by Tsunami; Proc. 12th ICFD, Sendai, Japan, October (2015).
- F. Togashi, R. Löhner, M. Beppu, H. Tatesawa, S. Obayashi – Development of CFD Code for Tsunami Simulation Using Shallow Water Equations; Proc. ICFD2014, Sendai, Japan, November (2014).
- H. Lu, Ch. Yang and R. Löhner – Numerical Studies of Green Water Impact on Fixed and Moving Bodies; Int. J. Offshore and Polar Eng. 22, 2, 123-132 (2012).
- H. Kim, C. Yang, R. Löhner and F. Noblesse – A Practical Hydrodynamic Optimization Tool for the Design of a Monohull Ship; Proc. ISOPE Conf. ISOPE Paper No. 2008-TPC-517, Vancouver, Canada, July (2008).
- H. Lu, C. Yang and R. Löhner – Numerical Studies of Green Water Effect on a Moored FPSO; Proc. ISOPE Conf. ISOPE Paper No. 2008-TPC-516, Vancouver, Canada, July (2008).
- C. Yang, H. Lu, R. Löhner and W.C. Sandberg – Computation of the Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Flow Around a Body in or Near the Free Surface; Proc. Int. Conf. on Offshore Mech. and Arctic Eng. , OMAE2008-57897, Estoril, Portugal, June (2008).
- C. Yang, H. Kim, R. Löhner and F. Noblesse – Practical Hydrodynamic Optimization of Hull Forms; Proc. Grand Challenges in Modeling and Simulations Conf. (GCMS’08), Edinburg, Scotland, June 16-19 (2008).
- R. Löhner, Chi Yang and E. Onate – Simulation of Flows With Violent Free Surface Motion and Moving Objects Using Unstructured Grids; Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 53, 1315-1338 (2007).
- C. Yang, R. Löhner and H. Lu – An Unstructured-Grid Based Volume-of-Fluid Method for Extreme Wave and Freely-Floating Structure Interaction, Proc.Conf.Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics (D.X. Xhu, L.D. Zhou and X.C. Yang eds), July (2006).
- C. Yang and R. Löhner – On the Modeling of Highly Nonlinear Wave-Body Interactions; Proc Int.Soc.of Offshore and Polar Eng.(ISOPE) Conf. San Francisco, CA, June (2006).
- F. Noblesse, Chi Yang, R. Espinoza and R. Löhner – Fundamental Wavenumbers of Diffraction-Radiation by a Ship that Advances Through Regular Waves in Finite Water Depth; Int.J.Offshore and Polar Eng.16, 4, 241-252 (2006).
- R. Löhner, Chi Yang and E. Onate – On the Simulation of Flows with Violent Free Surface Motion; Comp.Meth.Appl.Mech.Eng.195, 5597-5620 (2006).
- R. Löhner, C. Yang and E. Onate – On the Simulation of Flows With Violent Free Surface Motion; AIAA-06-0291 (2006). (pdf)
- R. Löhner, C. Yang and E. Onate – Large-Scale Simulation of Flows With Violent Free Surface Motion; pp. 55-81 in Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (P. Bergan, J. Garcia, E. Onate and T. Kvamsdal eds.), Oslo, Norway, June (2005). (pdf)
- C. Yang and R. Löhner – Computation of 3D Flows with Violent Free Surface Motion; Proc Int. Soc. of Offshore and Polar Eng. (ISOPE) Conf., Pusan, Korea, June (2005). (pdf)
- C. Yang, R. Löhner and S.C. Yim – Development of a CFD Simulation Method for Extreme Wave and Structure Interactions; Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Offshore Mech. and Arctic Eng., OMAE2005-67422, Halkidiki, Greece, June (2005). (pdf)
- Chi Yang, R. Löhner and F. Noblesse – Comparison of Classical and Simple Free-Surface Green Functions; Int. J. Offshore and Polar Eng. 14, 4, 257-264 (2004).
- C. Yang and R. Löhner – H2O: Hierarchical Hydrodynamic Optimization; paper presented at the 25th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, August (2004).
- C. Yang, F. Noblesse and R. Löhner – Comparison of Classical and Simple Free-Surface Green Functions; Proc Int. Soc. of Offshore and Polar Eng. (ISOPE) Conf. , Toulon, France, May (2004).
- C. Yang, O. Soto, R. Löhner and F. Noblesse – Hydrodynamic Optimization of a Trimaran; Ship Technology Research 49, 2, 70-92 (2002).
- C. Yang and R. Löhner – Calculation of Ship Sinkage and Trim Using a Finite Element Method and Unstructured Grids; Int. J. CFD 16, (3), 217-227 (2002).
- C. Yang, R. Löhner and O. Soto – Optimization of a Wave Cancellation Multihull Ship using CFD Tools; J. of Hydrodynamics B, 1, 1-7 (2002).
- C. Yang, F. Noblesse and R. Löhner – Practical Hydrodynamic Optimization of a Trimaran SNAME Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, October (2001). (pdf)
- C. Yang, R. Löhner and O. Soto – Optimization of a Wave Cancellation Multihull Ship using CFD Tools; Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures – PRADS 2001, Shangai, China, September (2001). (pdf)
- Chi Yang, F. Noblesse, R. Löhner and D. Hendrix – Practical CFD Applications to Design of a Wave Cancellation Multihull Ship; Proc. 23rd Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Val de Reuil, France, September (2000). (pdf)
- Chi Yang, R. Löhner, F. Noblesse and T.T. Huang – Calculation of Ship Sinkage and Trimm Using Unstructured Grids; Proc. ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, September (2000). (pdf)
- C. Yang, R. Löhner, D. Hendrix and F. Noblesse – Fourier-Kochin Extension of Fully Nonlinear Near-Field Ship Waves; Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Num. Ship Hydrodynamics, Nantes, France, July (1999).
- C. Yang, F. Noblesse, and R. Löhner – Application of the Fourier-Kochin Theory to the Farfield Extension of Nonlinear Nearfield Steady Ship Waves; Proc. 14th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Port Huron, Michigan, April (1999).
- F. Noblesse, C. Yang, R. Löhner and D. Hendrix – Fourier-Kochin Theory Representation of Farfield Steady Ship Waves; Proc. Septiemes Journees de L’Hydrodynamique, Marseille, France, March (1999).
- C. Yang, R. Löhner and F. Noblesse – Farfield Extension of Fully Nonlinear Nearfield Ship Waves; AIAA-99-0548 (1999).
- R. Löhner, C. Yang and E. Onate – Free Surface Hydrodynamics Using Unstructured Grids; Computational Fluid Dynamics’98 (ECCOMAS) (K.D. Papailiou, D. Tsahalis, J. Periaux and D. Knörzer eds.), J. Wiley and Sons, September (1998).
- R. Löhner, C. Yang and E. Onate – Viscous Free Surface Hydrodynamics Using Unstructured Grids; Proc. 22nd Symp. Naval Hydrodynamics Washington, D.C., August (1998).
- R. Löhner, Chi Yang, E. Onate and S. Idelssohn – An Unstructured Grid-Based, Parallel Free Surface Solver; AIAA97-1830 (1997).
- F. Noblesse and C. Yang – Fourier-Kochin Formulation of Wave Diffraction- Radiation by Ships or Offshore Structures; Ship Technology Research, Vol. 42 (1995).
- R. C. Ertekin, Z. Qian and C. Yang – Positioning of a Floating OTEC Plant by Surface Intake Water; Int. J. of Offshore and Polar Eng. Vol. 3, No. 3 (1993).
- F. Noblesse and C. Yang – An Approach to the Calculation of Wave Loads on Ships and Floating Structures; J. of Marine Structures , Vol. 6 (1993).
- F. Noblesse, D. Anthony and C. Yang, Water Waves Radiated by Coherent Vortices in a Submerged Jet; Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 37, No. 1 (1993).
- C. Yang and R. C. Ertekin – Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Wave Diffraction by a Vertical Cylinder; Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 114 (1992).