Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Contaminant Transport

Tysons Corner:

In this simulation the incompressible flow outside a popular shopping mall in the Washington, D.C. area is computed. A photo of the mall can be seen below. The wind is assumed from the NW at 8mph in a stable atmosphere. The CAD data for the domain computed can be discerned is below.

Contaminant is released in an upstream location of the mall. Images from the simulation, showing both concentration levels and surface velocities can be seen seen below.

EMU L-Shaped Building:

This has become a standard testcase for contaminant transport. It consists of an L-shaped building. A continuous relase occurs from one of the doors. The geometry, results, and video of the simulation can be found below.

Cooling Towers:

The case considered is a cooling tower. The geometry of the problem can be seen below. The Smagorinsky model was used for modeling turbulence effects. The mesh had approximately 300Kpts and 1.2Mels, with special placement of points in the vicinity of the tower to capture the separations.

The results obtained can be seen below along with a video.

TAKE-1 Ship:

This case considers the accurate tracking of smoke particles around a ship. The aim was to improve the air quality for of the crew manning the ship. The results were compared to experimental (windtunnel) data.

Particle, as well as the flowfield and a smoke visualization can be seen below.

The effect of chimney stack height on the flowfield can be seen here.

MUST Experiment:

This experiment was actually conducted with containers in the desert. The geometry can be seen below.

A mesh resolution study with 0.5Mels, 4Mels, 8Mels and 32Mels was conducted. Concentration levels, surface grids and velocity fields can be seen here.